

Missing Link is one of the leading independent music publishing companies offering fast, efficient and transparent licensing and royalty collection for songwriters and copyright holders. Our custom-tailored royalty and licensing system was developed in-house, and is based on the global CWR-based data exchange format embraced by music and media companies around the globe. Whether you need a royalty advance, comprehensive international royalty administration or help getting your songs commercially placed with artists, in films or on TV–Missing Link is there for you.

Founded by JD Dallam and Bill Stafford in 1996, Missing Link was founded with the vision of offering the songwriter a modern music publishing and rights management alternative. Utilizing favorable rights-holder terms in its agreements and licenses, Missing Link was launched to place the songwriter’s needs first–be it royalty collection, international administration or creative support.

As Sony Music and BMG vets respectively, JD and Bill began working with the family of songwriters in the Raphael Saadiq/Tony Toni Tone camps in the mid 90s. UK industry veteran Tony Hinds joined the team in 2002 helping to develop and build the infrastructure for Missing Link’s licensing and royalty collection system. Now, a decade and a half later, Missing Link has rapidly expanded into a world-class, global and modern music publishing/rights management enterprise.

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